Archive for the 'Public affairs' Category

Jun 16 2016


Filed under Public affairs

An Economic Islamicity Index

Scheherazade S. Rehman / Hossein Askari

Published Online: 2010-05-21

In the post 9/11 era, there is growing interest in the complex relationship between religion, economics, finance, politics, law, and social behavior. This has brought with it a disagreement on how to investigate the impact of religiosity, whether religion affects the economic, political, and social outlook of countries or whether these factors affect religiosity? Continue Reading »

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Jun 02 2016


Filed under Public affairs

Ekonomi Pancasila (EPS) menurut pemahaman/definisi saya (saat ini):

Proses pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup atau pembagian materi (barang, jasa, kesempatan, kedudukan dsb.) yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama, melalui musyawarah dengan semangat persatuan, gotong-royong, saling menolong, belas kasihan, kasih-sayang, manusiawi, dan berorientasi pada keadilan yang direstui Tuhan. Continue Reading »

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Mar 07 2016

Brak gedubrak brak brak brak…!!

Suara itu terdengar keras, seperti atap rumah yg roboh atau gerobak dorong PKL yang jatuh berantakan tumpah seluruh isinya. Continue Reading »

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Nov 25 2015

Public affairs

Filed under Public affairs

So many problems of/in the society to face to…. Rasah bingung rasah kumprung… 🙂
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